Get Sum of Years a member was in a specific Roles

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Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Get Sum of Years a member was in a specific Roles

Beitrag von RVice »

We have a few membership categories that can add up to what we call a life member. In our case, when a member has had a combined 20 years between two categories, they become a life member.

The categories are as follows:
Member - Dues $10
Military - Active Duty - Dues $0

Given the above, it is also possible for a member to miss a year, either resigning or failing to pay dues. Once they are reinstated, the years towards life member continues. Follow the example below.

Testy O'Testerson joined in February 1999, which will count as the first year as a member. Testy, then changes to "Military - Active Duty" for two years from 2000-2001. Testy then drops off the face of the planet from our club for 4 years and gets reinstated as a Member in 2006. To this point, Testy has accrued 4 years of membership (1999, 2000, 2001, 2006). Fast forward to today and Testy has had 20 years in 2022 and now would be a life member for two years (2023 and 2024).

Is there an easy way to get this information? Or would I need to sum the years through SQL or something?

The manual way now is to look at each member and tally up the roles they've had and currently are.

I imagine the solution would be something along the lines of "tally years of selected Groups" would probably answer it using a rule of only looking at the year (given members may join mid-year)
