https://.../members/adm_program/ reports:
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Admidio - Update
The database version 4.3.0 is lower than the version of the Admidio scripts 4.3.5.
Please perform database update to version .
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Welcome to the Admidio update
You have already updated the directories of Admidio with a new version. Now the database has to
be updated from the current version 4.3.0 to the version 4.3.5, so that Admidio can run with the new
If you have questions or problems with the update, please check our update instruction or contact
our support forum.
Current database version: 4.3.0
Database version after update: 4.3.5
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S C R I P T - E R R O R
An error occured within the update script. Please visit our support forum and provide the following information.
VERSION: 4.3.0
STEP: 1080
MESSAGE: No Category with the given uuid 2 was found in the database.
0 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/ComponentUpdateSteps.php(68): TableUserField->setValue('usf_cat_id', '2')
1 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/ComponentUpdate.php(124): ComponentUpdateSteps::updateStep43AddSocialNetworkProfileFields()
2 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/ComponentUpdate.php(171): ComponentUpdate::executeUpdateMethod('ComponentUpdate...')
3 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/ComponentUpdate.php(266): ComponentUpdate->executeStep(Object(SimpleXMLElement), '4.3.0')
4 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Update.php(90): ComponentUpdate->update('4.3.5')
5 /home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/installation/update.php(300): Update->doAdmidioUpdate('4.3.0')
6 {main}
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[30-Jan-2024 23:40:29 Europe/London] [2024-01-30 23:40:29.560621] Admidio.ERROR: L10N: Could not found text-id! {"textId":"SYS_EMAIL_DESC"} {"file":"/home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Language.php","line":115,"class":"Language","callType":"->","function":"get"}
[30-Jan-2024 23:59:25 Europe/London] [2024-01-30 23:59:25.839148] Admidio.ERROR: L10N: Could not found text-id! {"textId":"SYS_EMAIL_DESC"} {"file":"/home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Language.php","line":115,"class":"Language","callType":"->","function":"get"}
[06-Mar-2024 22:24:16 Europe/London] [2024-03-06 22:24:16.007884] Admidio.ERROR: L10N: Could not found text-id! {"textId":"SYS_EMAIL_DESC"} {"file":"/home/.../public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Language.php","line":115,"class":"Language","callType":"->","function":"get"}
After noticing a reference to enabling debug mode in viewtopic.php?t=9896, I added the line $gDebug = true to adm_my_files/config.php. After another attempt to convert the database, I noticed that there are several error_log files, but the one which changed was adm_program/error_log which contains:
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[06-Mar-2024 23:52:53 Europe/London] [2024-03-06 23:52:53.432652] Admidio.ERROR: L10N: Could not found text-id! {"textId":"SYS_EMAIL_DESC"} {"file":"/home/sabgtk/public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Language.php","line":115,"class":"Language","callType":"->","function":"get"}
[09-Mar-2024 11:46:11 Europe/London] [2024-03-09 11:46:11.050129] Admidio.ERROR: L10N: Could not found text-id! {"textId":"SYS_EMAIL_DESC"} {"file":"/home/sabgtk/public_html/members/adm_program/system/classes/Language.php","line":115,"class":"Language","callType":"->","function":"get"}
I have got my installation working temporarily by manually reverting adm_program to version 4.3.0, thus avoiding the need to update the database. However, it would be good to know how to return to the mainstream versions as they are released.
I have made an SQL dump of the database for safety and in case it contains information which might help to solve the problem. Any help would be gratefully received. Thank you.