Download Admidio!

Here you can download Admidio as *.zip file.


Version 4.3.14 | Size 33.2 MB | 15.02.2025

The first steps:

After you’ve downloaded Admidio you should look for help regarding the first installation or update of Admidio in order to get it up and running.

If you want to test Admidio locally we recommend the installation of AMPPS. This tool contains an Apache webserver and a MySQL database. Thus you can easily install Admidio with one click.

Support us

Admidio is free of charge and will stay it in future. Nevertheless we would appreciate if you honour our work and support us with a donation. There are different ways how you can support us. We listed different support options on our donation page.


The preconditions

For the webmaster

Admidio is completely PHP-based and uses a MySQL- or PostgreSQL database. You won’t need any knowledge about databases or PHP in order to set up Admidio. Neither knowledge about HTML will be needed. But if you want to integrate Admidio into an existing homepage it is an advantage if you have basic knowledge in HTML.

For the web server

You’ll need a web server which provides at least PHP version 7.2 and MySQL version 5.0 or PostgreSQL version 9.0.\
You can use an which have fewer preconditions if these conditions cannot be fullfilled.

Older Admidio versions
Admidio PHP MySQL PostgreSQL Download
Version 4.0 5.6.0 5.0 9.0 Admidio 4.0.13
Version 3.3 5.3.7 5.0 9.0 Admidio 3.3.18
Version 2.4 5.2.0 4.1 9.0 Admidio 2.4.13
Version 2.1 4.3.0 3.23 N/A Admidio 2.1.12

For the browser

Admidio can be used with all current browsers. Hereinafter you’ll find a more detailed list.

Mac OS N/A N/A
Linux N/A N/A N/A
Android N/A N/A N/A
Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

We currently support Internet Explorer downwards to version 10 on Windows.


The Admidio member management is published unter the GNU General Public License 2. Please read the license conditions before you install Admidio. By installing Admidio you acceppt the conditions of GNU General Public License.