Announcements - Beta Releases

Admidio 4.0 Beta 1 released

Our first beta of Admidio 4 is now available for testing. You can support us in different ways. The easiest way is our playground with an already installed Admidio version. There you can log in with the standard accounts and try out any functions. Alternatively you can download the current beta and install it on your local webserver. Try an update with your data or set up a completely new organization.

Feedback to the new version is welcome in our beta test forum.

What is new?

New theme

Probably the most obvious innovation in Admidio 4 is the completely new Theme Simple. It replaces the meanwhile outdated Theme Modern. In the course of this we have reworked and partly redesigned all pages. This is the first thing you notice in the new overview page, which is displayed directly. Here you can see all the plugins that have been delivered with the standard version.

Template Engine

In addition to the new theme, we also integrated a tempo engine and changed the page header, the navigation menu and the page footer to it. The respective content of the page, e.g. the dialog or the list, has not yet been changed to the new theme. Nevertheless we think that with the previous implementation you already got a lot of new freedom to adapt Admidio to your needs. A more detailed description of the possibilities of the redesign can be found in our Wiki.

Groups and Roles

We have now combined the previous modules Lists and Role Management into the Groups and Roles module. Both modules were already very similar and had overlapping functions. With the new module we think that the handling is easier and the understanding of Admidio is even faster.

E-mail templates

E-mail templates have been available in Admidio for a long time. In version 4 we have improved the integration and given you more flexibility. You can now easily select the stored templates in the settings, and with new variables you can design them better. Have a look at our Wiki page. With the new variables it is also possible to send e-mails even easier and more DSGVO-conform with hints to the recipients.

Further modifications

  • The Downloads module has been renamed to Documents & Files. The range of functions has remained.
  • The layout of the photo module's album overview has been revised.
  • The Birthday Plugin can now be used with PostgreSQL.
  • New languages Greek, Swedish and Portuguese (Brazil) were added.
  • Change to Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3 and Phpmailer 6
  • Caching of the menu and less database access
  • You can find a detailed list on GitHub
  • Minimum requirement for Admidio is now PHP 5.6 and still MySQL 5.0 or PostgreSQL 9.0

We are curious about your feedback. If you have small suggestions for improvements to new or existing features, just let us know in the beta forum.

Many greetings
Your Admidio Team



Unsere erste Beta von Admidio 4 steht jetzt zum Test zur Verfügung. Ihr könnt auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise uns beim Test unterstützen. Die einfachste Art ist unsere Spielwiese mit einer bereits installierten Admidio Version. Dort könnt ihr euch über die Standard-Accounts anmelden und beliebige Funktionen ausprobieren. Alternativ könnt ihr auch die aktuelle Beta herunterladen und auf einem lokalen Webserver bei euch installieren. Probiert ein Update mit euren Daten aus oder richtet eine komplett neue Organisation ein.

Feedback zu der neuen Version ist in unserem Beta-Test-Forum willkommen.

Was ist neu?

Neues Theme

Die wohl offensichtlichste Neuerung in Admidio 4 ist das komplett neu erstellte Theme Simple. Dieses löst das mittlerweile in die Jahre gekommene Theme Modern ab. In diesem Zuge haben wir alle Seiten überarbeitet und teilweise auch umgestaltet. Dies fällt als erstes in der neuen Übersichtsseite auf, welche euch direkt angezeigt wird. Hier sind alle bisherigen im Standard ausgelieferten Plugins aufgelistet.

Template Engine

Neben dem neuen Theme haben wir auch eine Tempate Engine integriert und den Seitenkopf, das Navigationsmenü und den Seitenfuß darauf umgestellt. Der jeweilige Inhalt der Seite, also z.B. der Dialog oder die Liste wurden noch nicht darauf umgestellt. Dennoch denken wir, dass ihr mit der bisherigen Implementation bereits sehr viele neue Freiheiten bekommen habt, Admidio an eure Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Eine detailliertere Beschreibung zu den Möglichkeiten der Umgestaltung findet ihr in unserem Wiki.

Gruppen und Rollen

Wir haben die bisherigen Module Listen und Rollenverwaltung jetzt zusammengefasst in das Modul Gruppen und Rollen . Beide Module waren sich bisher schon sehr ähnlich und hatten überschneidende Funktionen. Mit dem neuen Modul denken wir, dass die Bedienung einfacher wird und das Verständnis für Admidio noch schneller da ist.


E-Mail-Templates gab es schon seit längerem in Admidio. In Version 4 haben wir die Integration verbessert und euch mehr Flexiblität gegeben. Ihr könnt die hinterlegten Vorlagen nun einfach in den Einstellungen auswählen, sowie mit neuen Variablen besser gestalten. Schaut dazu mal auf unsere Wikiseite. Außerdem ist es mit den neuen Variablen möglich E-Mails noch einfacher DSGVO-Konform mit Hinweisen zu den Empfängern zu versenden.

Weitere Anpassungen

  • Das Modul Downloads wurde in Dokumente & Dateien umbenannt. Der Funktionsumfang ist geblieben.
  • Das Layout des Albenübersicht des Fotomoduls wurde überarbeitet.
  • Das Birthday-Plugin kann jetzt mit PostgreSQL genutzt werden.
  • Neue Sprachen Griechisch, Schwedisch und Portugiesisch (Brasilien) wurden hinzugefügt.
  • Umstellung auf Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3 und Phpmailer 6
  • Caching des Menüs und weniger Datenbankzugriff
  • Eine detaillierte Liste findet ihr auf GitHub
  • Mindestvoraussetzung für Admidio ist jetzt PHP 5.6 und weiterhin MySQL 5.0 oder PostgreSQL 9.0

Wir sind gespannt auf euer Feedback. Falls ihr zu neuen oder bestehenden Funktionen kleinere Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, so gebt uns im Beta-Forum einfach Bescheid.

Viele Grüße
Euer Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.3 Beta 4

This is our fourth Beta of Version 3.3 with 37 commits since the third beta. If there are no big bugs found this should be our last beta.

Please have a look at our announcement for a description of the main enhancements.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Download Admidio 3.3 Beta 4

Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.3 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.3 Beta 3

This is our third Beta of Version 3.3 with 46 commits since the second beta. Since we already changed some things within the update and installation code we recommend you to try our beta and do an update of your test system.

Please have a look at our announcement for a description of the main enhancements.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Download Admidio 3.3 Beta 3

Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.3 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.3 Beta 2

This is our second Beta of Version 3.3 with 54 commits since the first beta. If you want to help us to make this version stable please try to create a test installation on your webserver. This is important for use because every webserver has it's own different configuration and we want to be sure that this new version works on every webserver.

Please have a look at our announcement for a description of the main enhancements.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Download Admidio 3.3 Beta 2

Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.3 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.3 Beta started

This is our first Beta of Version 3.3. Please have a look at our announcement for a description of the main enhancements.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Download Admidio 3.3 Beta 1

Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.3 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.2 Beta 3 ready for testing

This is our third Beta of Version 3.2. Please have a look at the initial announcement for a detailed description of the enhancements. Within this beta we have done 32 commits with bugfixes and little changes.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Download Admidio 3.2 Beta 3

**Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!**

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.2 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.
The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.2 Beta 2 ready for tests

This is our second Beta of Version 3.2. Please have a look at the initial announcement for a detailed description of the enhancements. Within this beta we have done 84 commits with bugfixes and little changes.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Admidio 3.2 Beta 2 herunterladen

**Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!**

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.2 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.
The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.2 Beta started

We want to start the Beta-Test for version 3.2 now and hope you can help us to find the last bugs and review all of the changes we made to the software.

Some of the major enhancements in this version:

Manage relationships
It's now possible to define relationships between members. You could add a father to his son, a daughter to her mother, a wife to her husband and many more. It's also possible to create new relationships, but Admidio will be delivered with the common ones. It's also possible to filter list after relationships. For example show all childs of one role.

Improved download module
The download module got some interesting new features. It's now possible to manage the right to upload content to a specific folder. Until this version every person must get the admin right for this module to upload something and it was not possible to restrict this right for a specific folder. Now you have the Admin who has access to all folders, roles you can upload to specific folder and other roles who can view content in specific folder.
The module could also be used for several organizations. Until this version it was only possible to use the module for one organization but now each installed organization has it own download folder within adm_my_files.

Security and other improvements
With this release we have added some security related enhancements.
- New captcha with more configuration possibilities and reload function
- Add a password strength indicator
- Optional password hashing method SHA512
- Improved password hashing method
- Improve security of sessions and cookies
- Improve security of redirecting

Other Stuff:
- Performance improvements when viewing user management and assigning users to roles
- Better responsive layout for tables
- Add categories to announcements
- Add option to copy an announcement
- Add option to set database port
- Determine language by browser language
- Improve logging
- Update all libraries
- Many improvements of the codebase behind

The minimum requirements are the same as of Admidio 3.0 and 3.1:
*PHP 5.3.7*
*MySQL 5.0.3*

A detailed list of all changes can be found here.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Admidio 3.2 Beta 1 herunterladen

**Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!**

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.2 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.
The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.1 Beta 3 released

This is our third Beta of Version 3.1 and maybe the last one.
Please have a look at the initial announcement for a detailed description of the enhancements. Within this beta we have done 18 commits with bugfixes and little changes.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Admidio 3.1 Beta 3 herunterladen

**Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!**

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.1 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team

Admidio 3.1 Beta 2 released

This is our second Beta of Version 3.1.
Please have a look at the initial announcement for a detailed description of the enhancements. Within this beta we have done 58 commits with bugfixes and little changes.

If you have a local test version of your installation then you can support us if you download the new version and try an update so we can check if all works fine with your configuration.
Admidio 3.1 Beta 2 herunterladen

**Please remember that this is a Beta-Version that is not intended for a productive enviroment. It could contain errors and could lead to data loss!**

If you don’t have a local test area then you can use our playground to have a look at the new version. But remember that there are several people who could change settings or add and remove data.

Admidio 3.1 playground

Comments, enhancements or bugs could reported in our betatest forum. Please report every bug in a separate thread, so it’s easier for us to keep the overview.

The Admidio-Team