Membershipnumber on overview

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 8. Jan 2024, 10:12

Membershipnumber on overview

Beitrag von termohe »

Can I add a Membershipnumber and show this on the members overviewpage rather than the 1,2,3,4 ?
Beiträge: 6220
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Membershipnumber on overview

Beitrag von fasse »

You can configure your own profile fields: ... ile_fields
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Membershipnumber on overview

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

Thank you for this, Fasse. It does help with my own question (relating to $usr_id field in the adm_Users table). But if I create a user defined field myself, in numerical form, is it possible to auto-increment it, perhaps by using the 'regular expression' option when setting up that field? Ideally, though, since the $usr_id field in the Users table is already indexed and auto-increments, I'd prefer to use that instead. That way, any of my 'membership secretaries' will generate a new member from their list of prospective applications, without having to allocate the membership number from a central list of numbers, since the MySQL table will do all the work for them.


Peter Robinson
Webmaster, SSEA Canada