RVice hat geschrieben: ↑16. Feb 2023, 23:34 Hmm, still having trouble with this. I did upgrade to 4.2.0, so might be something here related.
I get the following error when trying to edit the Mandate:Looks like I'm back to a similar error as before.Code: Alles auswählen
S Q L - E R R O R CODE: 42000 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'MANDATEID1' B A C K T R A C E FILE: adm_program/system/classes/Database.php LINE: 706 CALL: Database->showError() FILE: adm_plugins/membership_fee/common_function.php LINE: 355 CALL: Database->queryPrepared() FILE: adm_plugins/membership_fee/mandates.php LINE: 133 CALL: list_members() I still cannot set the Due Date, adding the columns mentioned didn't change anything there (and I did hit save)
mitgliedsbeitrag - English Translation for Plugin Page?
Re: mitgliedsbeitrag - English Translation for Plugin Page?
I grabbed 5.2.0 (woops not 5.0.2) from GitHub, the error went away. But I still cannot create/edit mandates or add due dates.