admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

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Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
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admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

Hello Everyone,

I installed admidio in AMMPS and subdomain to test functionalities.

I noticed below :-

1) registration form doesn't show up any field and

2) side bar goes in to bottom left..

3) In previous version, there used to
>Preference>General>Registration> Dropdown (Inactive,Quick Registration,Advance registration)
which is no more instead we just have "enable registration". How to get this work in the latest version?

can someone help/update me to sort this out?

admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment.PNG
admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment.PNG (75.56 KiB) 7985 mal betrachtet
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Registriert: 12. Jul 2015, 13:21
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Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von XimeX »

Looks like the same problem as here: viewtopic.php?f=3&p=27893

Please enable the debug mode and look in the logs if there is a useful hint
Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
Wohnort: Singapore

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

I enabled debug mode and it generated logs.
(9.52 KiB) 484-mal heruntergeladen
Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
Wohnort: Singapore

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

What i have noticed is, this is unchecked in all the profile fields "Field is displayed during registration".

if i create a test category and add profile field with this option checked ""Field is displayed during registration". Registration form works display works as normal..

if this is something was not part of major change in this upgrade then can i request to roll back as it was..otherwise people will end up with broken registration after upgrade. Also upgrade need to be smooth making sure doesn't break existing stuff etc..

Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
Wohnort: Singapore

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

registration is broken in admidio-3.3 and there is no more drop down available with in Preference > registration.

I am trying to create a registration form with fields such as Username/password/confirm password, can someone tell me what should be the data type for these 3 fields..specially password..user name data type could be Text..

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Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von fasse »

Hi Amitabh,

I found the problem and fix it:

We will release a new version within the next days. You could not create Username/password/confirm they will be generated automatically.

You can fix the problem for yourself if you check the ckeckbox for registration for at least one field in the field configurator.

Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
Wohnort: Singapore

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

Hi Fasse,

Thanks for your reply.

This check box
Field is displayed during registration
is grayed out and unable to check this box for fields such as First Name/Surname/Email. Please refer below screenshot.
admidio - registration field.PNG
admidio - registration field.PNG (13.12 KiB) 7961 mal betrachtet
I tried selecting check box for field "Postal Code" & i get back the registration form with postal code & i get back registration form with username and password..but this is still a bug as check box to be enabled for these fields First Name/Surname/Email to make things work.

Beiträge: 6186
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von fasse »

Ok, than You Must wait For the next Version.
Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 18. Apr 2018, 02:44
Wohnort: Singapore

Re: admidio-3.3 register screen with no fields and sidebar alignment

Beitrag von amitabhmca »

Sure.Thanks. I will stick to previous version until things are sorted and stable..

I am testing admidio latest version in AMMPS and in a subsite and reporting here.

Can i check if any time line for Admidio-4.0 release?