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This page describes the steps that must be taken to update Admidio to a new version.

If you perform an update from Admidio version 3 oder 2 to the current version 4 then follow the steps that are described on our special update page.

  1. First make a backup of the database (In the database all your user data, role permissions, role memberships and more data are saved)
  2. For safety, you should perform a backup of the Admidio folder structure (adm_program, adm_themes, adm_my_files and adm_plugins)
  3. Download Admidio from this page to your computer and unzip the zip file with an appropriate program.
  4. Delete now the directory adm_program and the file index.php on your Admidio webspace.
  5. Copy the unzipped directories adm_program including all files and subfolders as well as the file index.php from your computer to your webspace in the Admidio main directory.
  6. All plugins within the folder adm_plugins must also be changed. Please note our plugin documentation, especially if you have made your own settings in the config.php files of the plugins.
  7. Now you need to update the theme.
    1. If you have not made ​​any changes to our default theme, you can simply delete the theme folder adm_themes and upload the theme folder of the new version.
    2. Have you made changes to a few files, then you can update the unchanged files and customize the other file with help from our change history for themes.
  8. If you have created a backup under point 1, you can now call Admidio in your browser and will be redirected to the update page.

    If the update page is not called automatically, it can be called directly via the following URL:
  9. Now appears the following page where you must confirm the update again. If the database is up to date then this will be reported there. So no one else can perform the update, you must enter the login data of a webmaster. After that click on Update database and the database will be updated to the new version. Wait with other actions in the browser until the confirmation appears that the update was completed successfully. This may take up to 4 minutes.

    :!: If the update was run on an error, you can restore your backup and after the cause has been found start the update again or still use the previous version until the error is resolved. In case of more serious problems or a missing backup, it is still possible to restore your previous version.

Admidio has now been successfully updated and you can now work with the new version.

Good luck!

  • en/2.0/update.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/13 06:31
  • by fasse