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This page describes the steps that must be performed to install Admidio on your server.

  1. Download Admidio from this page on your computer and unzip the zip file with an appropriate program.
  2. Remove the version info from the folder name and copy the unzipped folder admidio with a FTP programm (e.g. Cyberduck to your webspace. Your webspace should support PHP, as well as provide access to one of the following databases: MySQL, MariaDB or PostegreSQL.
  3. Change the folder permissions from the folder adm_my_files with your favorite FTP program. If you have an Apache webserver set the folder rights to 777. Admidio needs this write permissions to save photos, profile photos, download files and database backups in this folder.
  4. Now call the installation script on the webspace at the following url and select the language in which the installation wizard and the program should appear later. The language can be changed after the installation.
  5. In the next step you have to enter the access data to your database. These should have been provided by your hoster.
    The port of the database usually does not have to be specified, the default port will be used. The table prefix only needs to be changed if you want to run multiple Admidio installations in parallel in one database.
  6. Now you enter the name of your organization, as well as a general email address, which will be used, for example, as the sender address for emails sent by Admidio.
  7. In the next step you will enter the basic data for the first user of Admidio. This user will automatically become the administrator of the organization. The data can be changed later in the program.
  8. The program now creates the config.php file and places it in the folder adm_my_files. If the write permissions for the folder are not available, there is now the possibility to download the file and place it in the folder yourself. Afterwards the write permissions for the folder should be checked and assigned, because Admidio needs this folder for many modules to store files there.
  9. Now all data are stored and the database can be set up. To do this, click on Admidio install
  10. After these steps are done, Admidio is successfully installed and you can log in with your first user of Admidio. We would be very happy about a small donation ;-)

Now log in to your Admidio installation and have a look around. The getting started page can help you to set up Admidio for your club, organization or group.

  • en/2.0/installation.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/06 11:52
  • by greno