====== Make your plugin compatible to Admidio 5 ====== ===== Changes to HtmlForm ===== The entry list of the parameter ''$options'' has changed. The entry ''helpTextIdInline'' is replaced by the existing entry ''helpTextId''. ===== Script parameters changed ===== Within the scripts ''groups-roles/lists_show.php'' and ''groups-roles/mylist.php'' the parameter''rol_ids'' was replaced by ''role_list''. With the name changed also the content of the parameter has changed. The old parameter expects a comma separated list of role IDs e.g. ''3,5,7'', the new parameter expects a comma separated list of role UUIDs e.g. ''006bd130-34d4-4b86-9e82-b1464ad60a0b,1525af50-1b2b-45ce-8a07-35b0b1eb5a5e,56920e00-761c-495a-b43d-082eda94a145'' ===== New icon set ===== Admidio 5 now use the icon set of bootstrap https://icons.getbootstrap.com/ . Therefore you need to change all icons in your plugin. Search in your html code for icons like ''fa fas-iconname'' and replace it with an icon from bootstrap like ''bi bi-iconname'' . ===== Introducing namespaces ===== Admidio 5 starts to use namespaces. Therefore some changes in your scripts are neccessary:\\ Instead of ''Language::translateIfTranslationStrId()'' use ''Admidio\Language::translateIfTranslationStrId()''\\ Instead of ''Language::isTranslationStringId()'' use ''Admidio\Language::isTranslationStringId()''\\